Solitary Confinement Pros And Cons

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Many disagree with solitary confinement for one main reason, and that is the mental health of the inmates being isolated. Sources go into great depth on the many negative effects severe isolation has on the psyche. For example, from studies it was said to be concluded that solitary confinement damages inmates psychologically in various ways. Inmates were found to be more suicidal, and even apt to developing mental disorders such as schizophrenia because “Their symptoms are greatly exacerbated (sometimes to the point of madness) by their forced nomadic, stimuli-deprived environments”(Mann). Inmates may experience hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. Because of this mental strain, it is argued that inmates even suffer physical difficulties, …show more content…

Solitary confinement can actually fit the definition of torture, as stated in some international human rights treaties. This means that it constitutes a violation to human rights.”(Many times solitary confinement means that the prisoner is kept locked in their cell anywhere from 22-24 hours a day, with only usually an hour period of exercise time out of the cell. These solitary confinement cells are approximately 80 feet, and prisoners eat, sleep and defecate all in this small space. (Landau) So, this means that not only is the mind affected, but inmates lack exercise, natural sunlight, and are forced to live in a cage-like cell as if they were animals. For many this constitutes a violation of basic rights. Because of the severe isolation and lack of stimuli, many consider the institution torture, hence in their opinion violating the basic rights of the prisoner. “Our faith traditions teach us that every human being possesses inherent dignity, a quality that does not disappear behind prison gates. Prolonged isolation violates individuals' God-given dignity by destroying prisoners' minds.”(Rice) Also, those with a religious background argue that those who follow fatih, should see that solitary confinement contradict rights given to people by God, rather than just lawful/human