Solution Essay: The Role Of The Energy System In Touch Football

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Touch football, is a sport that can be played anywhere at any time and the aim of the game is to score more touchdowns than your opponents by placing the ball in your opponent’s ‘touchdown zone’. Similar to most team sports touch football uses all 3 energy systems, ATP-PC, lactic acid and aerobic system throughout the sport. The body uses the 3 energy systems to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is used to contract or extend muscles to run or pass the ball. According to Amezdros (Queensland senior physical education 3rd edition, (2010) during a game of touch 80% of the energy produced is from the ATP-PC system while lactic acid system produces 8% , and aerobic system produces 12% of the bodies energy.
This is because touch is a very explosive and quick sport and the ‘ATP-PC system is the most volatile and produces the most energy of all energy systems’ (Amezdros, Queensland senior physical education 3rd edition, (2010) needed for a wing player to break the line. Whereas the ‘lactic acid system lasts for 30 seconds producing lots of energy’ (Amezdros, Queensland senior physical education 3rd edition, (2010) for a player pushing middle or back pedalling. ‘When the 2 anaerobic systems can no longer produce energy the aerobic system produces the bulk …show more content…

However, in touch football according to Amezdroz (Queensland senior physical education 3rd edition, (2010) it only amounts to 8% of the total energy used in touch football, showing that my strongest energy system is also the least useful in touch. My second strongest system is the aerobic system, just above a poor level, making it harder to producing the necessary 12% of the bodies energy needs when playing touch (Queensland senior physical education 3rd edition, by Amezdroz (2010). Furthermore, this shows that I have difficulty running the field and out running my