Solution-Focused Therapy Case Study

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Solution-Focused Therapy: A Case Study
Thomas J. McCarthy
Grand Canyon University: PCN-500
May 18, 2016

Solution-Focused Therapy: A Case Study The counselor will choose the Solution-Focused Therapy in this case study because the counselor needs to resolve the client?s problems within a short period of time. Ana?s insurance company has only allocated eight sessions of counseling. It is also heavily goal-orients and this is what we need for Ana; to set goals in order for Ana to realize her full potential. Feminist Therapy (Feminist Therapy, 2015) …show more content…

(Murdock, 2013, p. 471) What the counselor needs to do is interview Ana for solutions in the first session after he builds a rapport. Then the counselor needs to collaborate with Ana. Ana needs to focus on some areas of her life that needs attention. For instance, a job that offers baby-sitting service or pays enough to afford an outside agency; stronger relationships with her family and husband; and methods to reduce the anxiety in her life that ultimately will curtail her depressive …show more content…

This is so the counselor can build up the confidence of his client. Used with the miracle question, the counselor can complement the client on how wonderful they have a grasp of the situation. In Ana?s case, this counselor would tell her how strong she is in being able to raise a one-year old child with no assistance. He can also tell her it was admirable that she tried to further her education and once the goals are set we will see that this can again be accomplished. Questions. Once the goals are set, the counselor can ask a multiple of questions to see where the client is at in achieving her goal. He might as Ana ?How?s the job search going??, ?Have you found a babysitter??, or ?Have you contacted your family??. Depending on the answers, the counselor can expound on these by asking scaling questions. Scaling Questions. These questions are answered by a scale of 0-10 to see how the client is working on her goals. For instance, after asking Ana how the job hunt is going, the counselor might as her from 0-10 how aggressive does Ana feel she is giving to the search. These techniques are a few of the available techniques, but this counselor would use these in the order they are presented with miracle question and compliments in week one, and questions and scaling questions to follow in the weeks

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