
Somenone's Intelligence: Where Does Intelligence Come From?

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Where does Intelligence come from ?
In this world, there are so many differences in all aspects. Intellectual is the one of those example. The way people reach some achievements are different, there are some of them who can reach something easily and there are some of them arent. How does it happen? In fact, all people are given intelligence, but not all of them who can exploit it. Somenone’s intelligence is divided into nature and nurture. As the names, nature is an inborn ability or intelligence given for people since they was born where they inherit it form their parents. Nature contributes about 60% of someone’s intelligence. Nurture is an environtment influences. Someone becomes smart or are able to do something is because they have experience …show more content…

For him, numbers are his friends. He always count every single number which he meet everyday, it happens itself in his mind because he doesnt see number as something to be thought. He doesn’t need to think, number isn’t an abstract set of digits, it is a visual story, a film projected in front of his eyes. Daniel are happy with that, because he want to show that autism isnt a weak desease, it is an amazing gifted from God. However, Daniel realize that he is different from average people. In fact, savants people have problem with vocabulary for communication. Daniel are able to communicate well, but he talks softly. As autistic, he always do things as routine. He will feel uncomfortable if he doesnt do the things appropriate with his habbit, include the time to brush his tooth. He always do the things on his own ways at the same time everyday.
Beside nature and savants there is an environment influences called nurture. In nurture concept, people can get success after do alot of efforts and give so much sacrifices. There is a study about this “ The emerging picture froms such studies is that 10.000 hours of practice is required to achieve the leve of mastery associated with being a world-class expert in annything ”. It proves that effors are needed for success. People should be brave to overcome the trials and errors appear in the way of

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