Sonia Nazario Summary

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Sonia Nazario gave general presentation about herself and of the book she wrote. However I had to leave early. Sonia started out the presentation by talking about how she believes that there is a fine line between journalism and advocacy. However she also explained that she considered herself an advocate. The lecture started with Sonia talking about what brought her to become journalist and some of the important stories in her life. She started by talking about growing up in Argentina and how becoming a journalist was going to be a way to advocate for her country. A little later in her lecture Sonia discussed how she came to realize that you cannot be an advocate and a journalist. She discussed how lack of political opinion was best when being a journalist and lack of political opinion is what made Enrique’s journey a better story. …show more content…

At first she wasn’t sure that Enrique was the best choice to tell the story since he wasn’t the typical person; he was a little too old at 17. However she explained that that may have made the story more relatable for people, having a character that was imperfect that was human. Sonia Nazario talked about some of the challenges associated with writing the book. Having experienced the same challenges as Enrique gave her a unique perspective. One of the most difficult aspects about that was deciding whether or not she was going to intervene for the safety of anyone. She was most worried the intervening would change the story she was