Soror Esther C. Peyton

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Soror Esther C. Peyton a loyal lifetime member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated served in many positions during her time in Zeta. Soror Peyton the third Eastern Region Director, 1936-1945 and under her administration, Zeta thrived. Her influence in the history of Zeta was felt past her term of office, she continued to render service her sorority. Even after her term as Regional Director, Soror Peyton continued to let her Zeta light shine serving as the Mid Atlantic Regional Secretary. Along with her many other positions in 1930 she served as a Chaplain for the Alpha Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated. In 1948 Soror Alexzina Brown along with Regional Director Evelyn Hunt and Soror Esther C. Peyton, chartered Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter with Catherine Johnson of Princeton, Evelyn Hines Ellerbee of Princeton, Jeanne E. Lewis of Millville, Katherine Basselieu Ross …show more content…

Prior to the founding of Epsilon Omega Zeta chapter, Soror Esther Peyton organized the Sorority’s first national service project, the Coatesville Project, which aided children of the miners in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In 1995, Hattye Tillett suggested to the Amicae Club of Washington, D.C. to organize a social and civic group of their daughters and granddaughters of the Amicae called the Amicettes. Soror Esther of Beta Zeta Chapter of Washington, D.C., sponsored and organized this club; the D.C. Amicettes were the only group for a numbers of years. In 1935 at boule, it was recommended that Zeta sponsor a recreation project in which Soror Esther Peyton served as the handwork instructor, stressing the motto given by Julia West Hamilton, “Take what you have and make what you want.” A second project adopted during 1947 was called “The Prevention and Control of Juvenile Delinquency.” Soror Esther Peyton served as Co-Director of the National to Curb Juvenile

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