Soulless Child Quotes

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Everyone has expectations to whether themselves or others, but these mere anticipations can deal humongous damage to the people being expected to achieve a specific objective. Similarly, all mothers and fathers have ambitions for their children, yet they do not know how impacting it can be for their children. Hence, the establishment of unrealistic expectations upon one’s child exercises too much pressure on the child which later on might push the child to a breaking point. Additionally, the desire of the parents that their child succeeds in a particular activity will restain the child’s free will and turn the kid into something similar to a soulless robot. Nonetheless, all these issues combined will lead to numerous arguments which as time …show more content…

To stress such idea, in the beginning of the book briefly after Jenna’s awakening she stated “She [Claire] puts her arms around me… I lift the corners of my mouth. Then the other: a smile. [I do it] because I know I am suppose to. It is what she [Claire] wants.”(3). Furthermore in time when alone Jenna stated “...Day Fifteen of being awake, I make my first independent decision.’(12). Consequently, one can see that Jenna’s thoughts depicts her as a soulless being which makes Jenna sound almost robotic. Jenna’s absence of an identity was the outcome of her parents progaming her after an accident and among these programations they tried to ensure that Jenna would reach their ambitions. Correspondingly, Jenna is suffering the consequences of the unrealistic expectations of her parents which lead them to repress Jenna’s free will and identity. Therefore, If one’s parents absurds expectations such as Jenna’s parents it is more than logical that such parental anticipation is extremely devastating to their child. Since they are restraining their own child’s free will which consequently transforms their miracle into a being which lacks a

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