South Afric Inter-Racial Dating In The United States Today

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South Africa is one of the most diverse countries in the world or better known as the “Rainbow Nation.” With diversity comes acceptance of all race. The ethnic groups of South Africa consists of indigenous tribes or Afrikaners, Europeans, and Asians (Malaysians, Indians of India decent, and Chinese). Collectively as a society South Africans value family. They place high importance in their core family including extended family members and close friends. A typical family may consist of the parents, children, and grandparents. The grandparents would take care of the children while the parents are work and older kids are self-sufficient enough to cook for themselves. A student in South Africa rarely spends time alone. The Ubuntu philosophy is applied to family life as they belief that it takes a village to raise a child. …show more content…

Once a young man decides to date he will talk about the girl to his parents. In less developed areas couples would meet up to fetch water together or shop at the marketplace whereas couples in the cities tend to do the typical meetings such as coffees and movies. When it comes to inter-racial dating this country is a work in progress. During the apartheid days inter-racial dating was not allowed, but it has turned around some and is still not as widely accepted as it should be. I’m optimistic that this country will grow to accept inter-racial dating as the United States today. Similarly to the United States online dating has increased exponentially in South Africa. Technology has made its way to the dating scene in South Africa and has broadened the dating pool. For the most part old-fashioned courtship is