
Southern Colonies Oppression Essay

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In the colonies oppression was connected and sewn throughout everyone’s lives, but how they were is very different. On the colonist behalf the were oppressed by parliament and the slaves were oppressed by their masters. Each area of the colonies, south, middle, and north, was a little different with the south having major plantations, the middle being a mix of trade and plantation, and the north with trade and fishing. These colonies fought an epic war to not be oppressed and later in time the slaves fought also. The first area of the colonies is the southern colonies during this time period the south was probably the least affected by parliament in a physical sense but all the colonies were subject to awful tax laws. The african americans however, were affected the most by slavery with the plantations needing to be run, they were an essential part of slaveholders lives. In these colonies there were 50-60 percent enslaved. Only eight percent were free. They worked almost …show more content…

There all people were treated better but still some enslaved, only 7% by 1750. The slaves were not treated as property but were not considered whole. These colonies were called the breadbasket colonies because of their abundance grains. The middle colonies were the best at all things if you summed it up with being good at trading, fishing, industrial building, and others but not great. They were also the most diverse. There were Dutch, Irish, German, and much more. They had great port cities in new york and philadelphia. Now the oppression was still in the slavery but mostly in the people of the colonies because of parliament. Parliament mostly was hated because of the intolerable acts, they were hated for this in all colonies, and these states were also affected some by the boston massacre and other fights just before the war. The people of the middle colonies were obviously affected by the all north or south because they were in the

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