Sparknotes Are Prisons Obsolete Angela Davis

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Journal Response Angela Davis

In the book Are Prisons obsolete? Davis describes the role of prison industrial complex in the rise of prisons. Prison industrial complex is a term used to characterize the overlapping interests of government and industry that use policing, surveillance and imprisonment as a result to social, economic and political problems. Private prisons operate a lot differently from prisons that aren’t private. For example the federal state, lease system and county governments pay private companies a fee for each inmate. Which means that they are able to keep prisoners as long as they want to keep their facilities filled. “Important evidence of the abuse that takes place behind the walls and gates of private prisons, it came to light in connection with a lawsuit filed by one of the prisoners who was bitten by a dog” pg. 96. …show more content…

It’s disturbing to find out that in private prisons the treatment that inmates receive is quite disappointing. Although the things they have done weren’t right but they are still people who deserve to get treated right. I would think that for private prisons the protection and the treatment would be better than prisons that aren’t private. Behind the walls and gates of prisons it’s a whole different world. Majority of the things that go on we never hear about or know about. It’s almost like it’s kept as a secret or a mystery on what goes on behind prison doors.
My perspective about Davis arguments in chapter 5 are prisons obsolete she has some pretty good arguments. Her arguments that were provided in this book made sense and were well thought out. One argument she made was the transformation of society needs to change as a whole. I believe Davis perspective holds merit given America’s current political situation.