Special Child Adoption

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Adoption is one of the most discussed topics in America, however what is often overlooked in the discussion is the adoption of children with special needs or disabilities. Nevertheless this is a topic that must be discussed, by leaving these children forgotten people are marginalizing the issue and missing out on the opportunity to be blessed by interacting with these special children. A new focus needs to be brought on to the adoption process of children with disabilities to find more of these special kids a forever home, in order to do this there must be social services available to lighten the load, and we must recognize how special these kids are and the consequences of them not being adopted. As Bob and Sue Quaid said adoption of kids …show more content…

All around the world there are kids who need a family and the consequences of them not finding one can be disastrous, especially for children with special needs. U.S. citizens are fortunate enough to have proper social services in place to care for kids with special needs who do not have a permanent home, but other countries are not as fortunate and children there may not receive the most specialized care. For this reason those in the U.S. need to be doing all they can to give these kids their best shot at life. Evan Solomon and his family visited the orphanage in China that they adopted their daughter from and found the orphanage to be incredibly overcrowded and understaffed. The Solomons saw babies (several to one crib) “tied with a piece of cloth to the bars on the crib, so they [wouldn’t] fall out” (Solomon) because there were not enough nurses to watch the babies and prevent this. The children in the orphanage were underweight and many had disabilities, but had to go without proper care, because the orphanage could not afford it. China is not the only country floundering in this issue; on December 28, 2013 the Russian government placed a ban on Americans adopting Russian children. The orphan situation in Russia is dire, “with more than 750,000 children living in orphanages and institutions [and] nearly half of these children have diagnosed special needs” (Roberts). These innocent children are trapped in a situation that they cannot understand and are without an …show more content…

The world is full “special needs” children who have so much unrealized potential to offer. It is the responsibility of those who are able to help these amazing kids realize this potential by providing them with homes, love and support. It takes a special person that is willing to embark on the journey of adopting and changing the life of a special needs child, so people need to help reduce as many barriers as possible for those who are willing. One of these barriers is ignorance and apathy, two things that can easily be rectified by an educated discussion. These forgotten children need to be discussed, the public must understand their situation and how to help. Once these barriers have been removed there is no telling how these children and their families could change the