Special Education Process

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Special Education Process

Introduction to the Special Education Process

The Department of Education oversees special education and ensures student’s rights through a federal law called The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA was born to ensure that states and school districts provided children with disabilities a free and appropriate education. To facilitate state compliance, IDEA provides federal money to states for the sole purpose of educating students with disabilities. IDEA categorizes thirteen disabilities and to qualify for services the student’s disability must negatively affect their education. To be considered for special education a student must go through multiple steps to determine whether they qualify …show more content…

Once a referral is submitted, at least 3 people meet to obtain parental consent to conduct initial evaluations. The 3 person team must include designated school personnel and at least one teacher. The parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child should be included and the child may be included if deemed appropriate. A special education teacher will serve as the student’s caseload manager and will be the main point of contact through the referral process and beyond if the student qualifies for …show more content…

Therefore, in comparing RTI and special education programs several key differences appear. Special education is based more on individual needs and goals, and in the majority of cases last the duration of a student’s academic career due to disabilities or behavioral problems. In contrast, RTI’s are not solely based on special needs, therefore, RTI’s are able to identify students that may have a lack of understanding of the curriculum. Without the rigid constraints of special education, RTI is more flexible and able to meet the needs of students in the moment.
Nondiscriminatory, Multi-disciplinary Evaluation Once written parental consent is obtained, the school psychologist will conduct an initial evaluation of the student within 60 calendar days. The evaluation is based on the individual’s specific concerns and may also include to collection of data from parents and school personnel. Once the evaluation is complete, the team meets to allow the school psychologist to inform the committee, including the parent(s), of the results and the child’s placement into special education, if substantiated.
Individualize Education Program