Essay On E-Waste Recycling

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E-waste Recycling These are just some important things that I pulled from every article. From all the information I gained from these articles, I think it will be very reasonable for me to get 3 pages from the amount of information given to me from each source. 1. Technology changes very fast…VERY 2. Many of the technology we use every day are thrown away in an everyday trash can 3. Computers 4. Cell phones 5. Other electronic equipment 6. Very difficult thing 7. Throwing this waste away, it does not break down 8. Very dangerous things to throw away because of what is composed inside of them 9. Puts a risk not only on the environment, but your health as well 10. Many include plastic, lead, mercury and other things that cannot be broken down 11. If these things are thrown into a landfill, if something were to leak it would be exposed to not only the soil, but animals and humans as well. 12. Recycling it can result into realizing toxins into the environment 13. Allow others to know what they are doing, is hazardous to the environment 14. When you purchase something new, the returning of your old device should be mandatory. 15. Encourage things to be made completely green.