Role Of Spirituality In The Workplace

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It is well stated that, ‘MANPOWER IS THE POWERHOUSE’ to ignite the other functions of the management and organization. And to keep functioning (effective working) the powerhouse one should have to have ‘spirituality’ in the organization as well as among the employees.
Miller, L. (1998), in his journal stated that ‘People are searching for a way to connect their work lives with their spiritual lives’. According to Palmer (2001), spirituality at the workplace has been growing. To highlight his viewpoint, he emphasized that large corporations (such as Intel, Wal-Mart, Xerox, Ford, Nike, and Harley-Davidson) have supported spirituality in their work environments. Spirituality in general, and at workplace in particular, has become an important tool …show more content…

It creates a supportive and congenial environment. vi. It creates an organizational culture that supports personal growth.
The study reveals that, human culture has a very high potential and scope for the ‘spirituality in the organization-modern management’. It was nicely said by Fry and Matherly, (2007) workplace spirituality asserts that people bring unique and individual spirits to the workplace and are highly motivated by the spirituality, it need to experience a sense of transcendence
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.
GE-International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR) ISSN: (2321-1709)
73 | P a g e and community in their work. Cogent of Spiritual involves motivating and inspiring employees (workers) through a transcendent vision and a culture based in altruistic values to produce a more motivated, committed and productive workforce. Spirituality in modern management eradicates selfless and disseminate shared values which intertwine spirituality and profits (Gull & Doh, 2004). The cogent of spirituality generates discipline in the work, work done with discipline results into best productivity and work done without discipline is