Spread Of Jeremiah Research Paper

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God shouts out His warning. The name Jeremiah means the Lords shoots or hurls. Israel's hope started when Jeremiah experienced his call. The way God acts is also faithful and just. He knew His people will be going in exile soon. So what did he do about that. He called Jeremiah to be a prophet who will warn and guide His people. This is the start of Jeremiah call and ministry to warn of the coming Babylonian Exile and the end of Judea as a nation. God knew He was going to judge Israel for its unfaithfulness, therefore He called Jeremiah to give them hope. Judgement and hope are the main reason God called Jeremiah to give to the children of Israel.
Jeremiah exercised his ministry during the darkest and most dangerous periods in the history of Judah. Jeremiah was the prophet of the decline and fall of the Southern Kingdom. During the prophetic career of Jeremiah five kings occupied the throne of Judea. Babylon was rising power, furthermore she can destroy Jerusalem and Judah and deport the Judeans into exile. Despite these difficult times facing Jerusalem and Judah Jeremiah remained faithful to God. The fear of attack by Babylonians was fulfilled when Babyloan attached Judea as Jeremiah had warned.
Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babyloan appointed Zedekiah to be his vassal king in Jerusalem. Upon …show more content…

God knows the plans He has for Israel plans to give them hope and a future. God through Israel exile, He was preparing them for good things to come. He was inviting them to look ahead in confidence expectation. Hope for Israel was in the time of exile, spending time waiting for the hand of her husband God to ask her hand in marriage again. Israel future was guaranteed by the marriage that started from the liberation from slavery in Egypt, to Exodus journey and finally the Sinai covenant. This was Israel personal relationship with God, because He is their God. He had plans for them, plans for their hope and a