St. Jr Personal Statement

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Our family lived through and witnessed the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This historic event brought about economic hardship, rapid deterioration of living standards and conditions, massive suffering, and poverty for the majority of the population. With this the newly independent countries of the former Soviet Union saw an increase in hard core drug addiction among young men and women which swelled the ranks of HIV infected people.
The plight of these suffering drug addicts as well as the multitude with serious health issues in countries throughout the world who do not have access to health care or do not have the financial means, became my dream and motivation to become a doctor.
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his now …show more content…

John’s will provide me with a deeper knowledge in the molecular and cellular biology and would allow me to develop both my theoretical knowledge of biology and my research skills. With a scientific education background, personal qualities and a high personal interest in biological and biomedical sciences, I believe I am a strong candidate to continue studies in this field of study. In order to become a successful doctor, I want to better understand all the cellular aspects of the human body. I am ready to expand upon my knowledge and experiences with likeminded peers, in the field of biosciences. I look forward to learning from renowned professors, learning in a high-quality laboratory and adding to the academic body of research and …show more content…

John’s University was something new to me, yet I was impressed with all the challenges offered here. I enjoyed every single minute studying, trying to make myself better. At the end of the 2014 spring semester, I was able to volunteer as a research assistant under the supervision of Dr. Simon G. Moller at the Neurodegenerative Disease Research Laboratory at St. John’s University, helping postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. fellows in theire research related to Parkinson’s disease. As a research assistant I wanted to take advantage of my internship by assisting postdoctoral researchers. I maintained zebrafish population, assisted in breeding and raising zebra fish, helped generating transgenic fish by injecting genes associated with Parkinson’s disease into the cytoplasm of fertilized zebra fish embryos which will integrate into the fish genome, followed by subsequent analysis of these genes. Apart from zebrafish work, I also purified DNA and used gel electrophoresis as a verification method, as well as prepared aseptic microbial cultures, growth media preparation and aseptic buffer