St Lucy's Raised By Wolf Analysis

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In the passage " St. Lucys Home for Girl's Raised by Wolves" by karen Russell provodes information on the relationship between stage three epigraph and the girls and how they began developing in that stage. In the passage " St. Lucys Home for Girl's Raised by Wolves" also provided different epigraphs that develops the relationship between the girls and the epigraph. Also in stage three epigraph the epigraph relates to the development of the girls in St. Lucys by mentioning how the girls in St. Lucy are starting to morph into their new culture and environment by rejecting their host culture and withdraw into themselves and how they also feel that their own culture's lifestyle and customs are far more superior than those of the host country. …show more content…

Lucy's will reject their host culture and withdraw into themselves and how they feel that their own culture is far more superior than those of the host country. According to the text in " St. Lucy's Home for Girl's Raised by Wolves" by Karen Russell in page 235, it says, " Stage 3: It is common that students who start living in a new and different culture come to a point where they reject the host culture and withdraw into themselves. During this period, they make generalizations about the host culture and wonder how the people can live like they do. Your student may feel that their own culture's lifestyle and customs are far superior to those of the host country." This demonstrates that the girls developments will relate to the epigraph in stage three. As shown above, the stage three epigraph will create a relationship between that epigraph and the girls' development in that