St Wbw's Day Massacre Research Paper

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1. St. Bartholomew’s day massacre: (1572) During the civil wars in France, on August 24, 1572, the Huguenots started wide spread destruction starting in Paris and spreading all throughout France. Catherine was able to make peace with the Huguenots and formed the catholic league, which dominated the eastern half of the country.
2. House of Commons (17th century): The House of Commons was a body of members of Parliament that was full of puritans, common lawyers and disenchanted gentry who had taken it over. The Grand Remonstration deprived Bishops votes in the House of Lords. The House of Commons was dominant of the House of Lords and parliament often referred to just the House of Commons. This helped strengthen the English Parliament and keep the power of the Gentry class.
3. Act of Toleration: (1689) the Toleration Act …show more content…

Role of women: (16th century). As time went on women still have very few rights. They were in charge of taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning. However during the 16th century women became to accumulate more and more rights. During this time they were taught to read and write along with arithmetic skills. They were also taught to run their fathers businesses. As time went on women received more rights.
5. Against the Rapacious and Murdering Peasants: (1525). As the peasants started to revolt against the Catholic Church they began murdering, robbing and violating their oaths. Martin Luther became disgusted with this and wrote Against the Rapacious and murdering Peasants to urge the peasants to stop the fighting and be the better people. Luther showed that he was all about wining the flightless fight. Intellectual
1. Transubstantiation (15th-16th Century: Transubstantiation was the idea in the Catholic Church that the bread in wine are actually transformed into the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist. As one of the major conflicts between religions, this was the idea that set Catholicism apart from other