Standardized Testing Act Essay

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The ACT was first given in 1959 by Everett Franklin Lindquist. It has seen an increase in the number of test takers since its creation. Since the ACT was created it has been a requirement to take to get into college. I believe that its scores should not determine whether we get into college or not because some people are not good at timed test. Also studies show people with good grades in school can do well in college without the ACT scores and standardized test unfairly advantage Whites, Asians, and wealthy people. The ACT should not determine whether you get into college or not because some people are not good at timed test. Many students try to prepare for this test, but the truth is they can never be fully prepared. Since people can not be fully prepared a lot of kids stress out and do not do so well. Students may also do poorly when they have bad anxiety. I personally have anxiety and when it comes to timed test I stress out horrible, and most of the time I do bad on that test. Lastly, a reason people may not do well on the ACT is because of the timing. …show more content…

This is a standardized test that is taken in one day, over the course of a few hours, and colleges want it to determine our future. I believe if you do well in school then that should be all anyone needs to get into college. High school should be your readiness for college not a test. A person that makes a 4.3 GPA should have the same chance as someone who has a 28 on their ACT. If someone can take college classes in high school with only a composite score of a 20 on the ACT and do well in those college classes, then a college should not need a composite score of 23 to get into the actual college. If the ACT was that important then some colleges would not have already taken it out of its requirement to get