After many studies, standardized testing has been labeled as unreliable. Giving the same exact exam to students in a class does not give the accurate information the state is looking for. One student may be stronger in a different exam design; some students have test anxiety, ADHD and many other obstacles. The creators of standardized testing goal were to test students in a predetermined, standard manner, however, they do not take into account others skills students have adapted to throughout the year. Test strategies, tactics and practice exams are drilled into students in class, instead of the pure information they should be learning, an example is made by Educational Leadership, “In item-teaching, teachers organize their instruction either around the actual items found on a test or around a set of look-alike items.” Nothing may seem wrong with this strategy, however, kids are being deprived of basic knowledge and are missing areas of development …show more content…
A teacher’s job throughout a school year is to create an environment that reaches out to all different kinds of learners: kinesthetic, visual, and auditory (VAK). Therefore, by only examining students in one form of test, it doesn’t confirm all of the students’ test scores accurately. NWLink exposes how important it is for teachers to include all methods, and how the majority of teachers force only one form of learning upon students, “Classically, our learning style is forced upon us through life like this: In grades kindergarten to third, new information is presented to us kinesthetically; grades 4 to 8 are visually presented; while grades 9 to college and on into the business environment, information is presented to us mostly through auditory means, such as lectures.” (nwlink). For a better, more accurate assessment of students, York Comprehensive High School should allow teachers the freedom to design the end of course test because the state given ones are unreliable and do not take individual situations into