Stanislavski's Circle Of Concentration Or Attention

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Concentrating on stage can be a very difficult job for an actor especially a young one. Seeing a big audience may distract them from what they are supposed to be doing in the performance, this would the lower the quality of the performance.

I think Stanislavski was right to tell his actors that they should look at something on the stage because this would distract them from the audience. However, having the actors look at a random object until they could find something to do with it might seem a bit odd to the audience and the actors began to concentrate more on the object then on what they were actually doing. This means the performance would not look as good as intended. Actors would learn how to control themselves on stage though meaning that this would not be a big issue.

Stanislavski’s “Circle of Concentration” or “Attention” is good way of getting actors eased into looking at the audiences because they do it gradually meaning that they are not thrown in at the deep end and can get used to it meaning that as the circle of concentration expands their quality of performance goes up. …show more content…

I believe that using Stanislavski’s first method I would struggle with balancing my concentration and my awareness or the audience because I would be too distracted by keeping my eyes on an object on stage that I would mess up my lines. I do however like to look out into the audience and at something behind them like a clock so it looks like I am looking at them when I am not. I think that using Stanislavski’s “Circle of Concentration” method I would become more comfortable with looking into an audience and eventually would not fear it