Star Wars is an epic space opera film series created by George Lucas, which includes galactic battles, theatrical adventure, as well as chivalric romance. The music, mainly composed by John Williams, gives depth to the storyline and is something that fans of all ages will always remember. The specific Star Wars movie that I have chosen to analyze is Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, which was released on May 25, 1983. In Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, music is used throughout the movie to illustrate points of excitement, grief, and intensity. Also, the music ties in with the characters and their emotions. This is done through leitmotifs, a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation. Additionally, the music is very galactic, in an attempt the set the mood that the audience is …show more content…
It is also recognized as Luke Skywalker’s theme, because it symbolizes heroism and adventure. Then, for the first time, “The Imperial March” is played. It is used to symbolize the incoming of Darth Vader and his army, the stormtroppers. Also, it signifies when other evil moments or characters come into play (or hints when evil will happen). “The Imperial March” is a grand militaristic tune, and has become a theme song of power. Another example of a scene that demonstrates the effective use of music is when Yoda, a Jedi Master, is teaching Luke Skywalker to control the force, which is called “Yoda’s Theme”. It is calming and gentle, contrasting the anxiousness of Luke and the tranquility of Yoda. The music is closely related to Yoda’s lessons and teachings, where the theme is carefully constructed. It displays both slow and fast parts, with a simple thoughtful melody and is meant to signal a message, just as Yoda does in his