
Star Wars Essay

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Star Wars is a great franchise and like all great franchises they have good movies, bad movies, and sometimes mediocre movies. But, I won’t be talking about the last two today. No, today I’m talking about the Empire Strikes Back undoubtedly the best Star Wars movie to ever grace our Earth. This movie had gotten the highest rating from all critics and fans who have watched the movie shown by the 95% rating from critics on rotten tomatoes and 97% from audiences. Although my trust in rotten tomatoes varies with “The Last Jedi” being praised for it’s terribleness. I digress though. For the time when this movie came out the effects, sound, and story was astounding. All movie series need a movie where the hero is at a low point and this is that movie …show more content…

Plot twist can be a terrible thing when you use them too much, but in this movie they use them just perfectly that so the audience won't know exactly what to expect. Another focal point of the movie was the introduction of Boba Fet the long lost son of Jengo Fet, which gets tied in later with some lackluster prequels. But, he’s a perfect example of characters that just work. This shows that even the Empire sometimes needs to recruit people to fight for them. Showing that they’re not actually an unstoppable juggernaut, which can just pump out an infinite source of fighters, but one that needs to outsource themselves to the mercy of large scale criminals to fight for them. This makes the movie feel more real since this was a common tactic up until the advent of standing armies in nations. Now off the topic of the Empire let’s go to the rebellion. This is the perfect moment in the story for them because they’re at their lowest point. Their fleet is in smithereens, they have lost the support of their own people, and not but not least there’s nothing they can do to fight off the

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