Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Analysis

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Set 30 years after the events of ‘Star Wars: Return of the Jedi‘, Luke Skywalker has gone into hiding at a clandestine location and the jedi faded into a fable. The first order has signifacally grown, ran by an even more tyrancial and powerful leader, Kylo Ren, and they are hoping to track him down by retrieving a map built inside a BB-8 droid. BB-8 is found by desert-scavenger Rey and reformed Stormtrooper Finn and the three attempt to outrun the First Order with the help of many old and new characters. Sound fimilar? Well you should because the whole movie is basically a retelling of "Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope" with a smidge of "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" for good measures. A endeerig driod with rare and important

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