Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

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Stem cell research is one of the most controversial issues in modern medicine since the beginning of the 21st century, but due to misinformation, the general public believes that human embryos must be killed in order to obtain stem cells. However this is not always the case. Stem cells are present in all living organisms. They are so vital because these cells have the ability to form any other type of cell, such as blood cells, skin cells and even nerves. The variety of diseases stem cells can potentially cure are limitless, and yet there are people who are opposed to stem cell research. This opposition to stem cell research comes from the fact that one of the various methods by which stem cells are collected is from embryonic …show more content…

The issue of morality dealing with the use of embryos in research is something that must be faced in every country dealing with stem cell research. The main factor in the U.S. that is affecting the legislation surrounding abortion is that an enormous percentage of the United States of America is quite religious. Politicians must appeal to this large percentage despite what they personally believe on the subject of stem cell research, because the majority rules. However, residents in the U.K. were surveyed, and only around 5% of the survey takers had been to church in the last week compared to the U.S.’s 40%. The majority of these survey takers were active in a religious organization which opposed abortion, thus making it extremely difficult for legislators to aid in the advancement of such an important medical and scientific …show more content…

from the rest of the world when it comes to stem cell research is that all of the embryos come from privately run businesses (Holland et. al. 2001). Most of the funding comes from these infertility clinics own profits and also from donations made by affluent individuals. This factor is the only thing that allows for this research to be continued in this day and age. Congress might feel as though stem cell research is unethical, but telling privately run businesses that they cannot conduct these kinds of experiments goes against the concept of free enterprise this country was founded on. In other countries around the world whose governments are much more restricting, stem cell research progress has been halted. So in one way, the United States is farther ahead than other countries now that Obama passed this new executive order, but in another sense, the American public still has a large majority that does not support stem cell