Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay

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Stem-Cell research has proven to be very helpful in today’s medical scene, treating and curing disease and illness that are otherwise fatal. Recent cases that have had a child or adult in need of a vital transplant, or treatment, in order to perform daily procedures have been cured with a form of Stem-Cell. Although embryonic stem cell research is a big part of experimenting with stem-cells, it is not the only form of stem-cell treatment. There are many different ways of gathering, transplanting, and even producing stem-cells. Stem-cells show many hope for their health, and ridding them of the conditions that have been a burden, however to others it could be a moral issue, or be against their religion to experiment on unborn children.

Stem-cells are cells that haven’t completely formed, and are able to become any tissue within the body. This can be used in today’s medical scene by replacing damaged cells with stem-cells that will over time be morph with the surrounding tissue and heal the damaged areas. “Some current therapies, such as bone marrow transplantation, already make use of stem-cells and there potential for regeneration of damaged tissues” (Stoppler, pg.5). There are manly two ways of getting the stem-cells, …show more content…

After the initial two patients over 2,000 more lined up waiting to receive the injection. Although the experiment proved successful, there where flyers that the patients had to sign, and on it listed side effects and the most dangerous of the list were tumors, but the list was later removed because over 1,500 of the patients came back with a successful treatment and the other 5,00 complaining of small things such as headaches and