Stephen King Why We Crave Horror

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For the most part, horror movies have always been a part of our lives. And as a child, your parents would tell you the same thing. That you should never watch scary movies or else you’ll be scared of things like ghouls crawling from under your bed or closet that you were so sure you closed. That may be true based upon how the human condition works. Imagining and expecting some evil creature to come and whisk you away into the unknown- only to realize that there’s no one around, however you can’t really help it. Something about horror seems to catch our interests. Stephen King accurately claims that the reason we crave horror is because we go to conquer our fears, help re-establish our feelings of normality, and to also have some sort of enjoyment. …show more content…

Humans no matter what age they are, tend to seek out something daring. Something that will get their heart’s pounding and blood flowing in the situation that they’re most scared of doing. “Why We Crave Horror” has carefully illustrated this example by saying “that we are not afraid, that we can ride this roller coaster.” (King, “Why We Crave” 3). In that sense, he means that we want to prove ourselves to be strong enough to conquer the fear we have. Not everyone is like this. As people grow older, the thrills become tedious and bland. The fears of a roller coaster ride would do the same if you road them more than once, however we still have younger people go out and face their fears. The same as others before