
Stereotypes About Religion And Culture

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“Islam is a religion that promotes violence and terrorism” (tolerance.org). After a terrorism attack on American soil occurred September 11th, muslims are typically associated with the act and blamed for it. In society the actions of few causes judgement for all. But why? That is because every culture has a stereotype that people are taught and aware of, some worse than others. This causes people to assume things about a person that may not be true. Personally, I judge a person based on their own actions and do not group people together because of a common trait. Every person is different and do not all share the same beliefs and values.
I had the pleasure to spend one week with a muslim girl while away at Girls State. She proved wrong every …show more content…

However, she shows that religion and culture are two separate things. Fatima identifies as an American- Muslim and tries to embrace both in her life. “Khawbon mein. (in your dreams) What is the difference? Goo ka bhai pad, pad ka bhai goo. (Feces is the brother of flatulence and flatulence is the brother of feces.) Why can’t you be a good Desi girl?’ ‘Because it’s more important for me to be a good Muslim girl, Fatima snapped back.’ I beg to differ. Our culture and our religion are two totally different spheres. We must learn to separate them”(Husain 90).
This was a typical conversation between Fatima and Dadima as their opinions of culture and religions clash. Fatima believed that just because she practiced Islam did not mean she had to agree with the Desi lifestyle. In fact, she was more comfortable in the culture she grew up with, being that of American culture. Dadima has the old -fashioned views, that matched my old way of thinking that Desis were Muslims and Muslims were Desis. Fatima struggled to share explain this difference as she challenged some of the Desi beliefs and embraced Muslim

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