
Stereotypes And Disrespect Affecting The Youth Of Today

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A fourteen-year-old girl lives at home with just her mother who treats her as her as an equal rather than her mom; consequently, she treats every adult with little to no respect by saying whatever comes to mind and lacking the typical manners adults expect. One day, she gets in an argument with her teacher about having her cellphone out during class, and instead of obeying the teacher, she refused because she was not “obligated” to do so, causing the situation to escalate quickly. This is an example of the blatant disrespect that youth are growing up with in today’s society. Teenagers especially, tend to act out in the classroom due to their upbringing in this new age of parenting. This generation is so consumed with themselves that they fail …show more content…

The sense of entitlement comes from a generation that is encouraged to put themselves first and to “focus” on bettering themselves instead of society as a whole. People will not go out of their way unless they gain something out of it, therefore, the incentive must be extremely high for them to even have a second thought about helping another person. Additionally, parents support this behavior by treating their children as their friend instead of their child. For instance, the parents try so relentlessly to be the young and trendy parent that they fail as being simply just the parent causing a lack of respect for authority, and since children do not already respect their own parents, there is nothing holding them back from disrespecting anyone else including authority figures. Additionally, parents enable their child to become narcissistic or disrespectful towards authority by arguing with an authoritative figure, such as, when the teacher tries to discipline their child. Instead of taking the teacher’s side and teaching their children respect and manners, they attack and criticize the teacher, which plants the idea in the child’s mind that it is not necessary to respect anyone who does not have the same viewpoint as their own. Each person in today’s society is contributing to the belief that respect is earned not

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