Furthermore, today’s adolescents that are breaking out of parental care and entering into adulthood has just little than no brain. They go into the world thinking of taking some adventures to migrate out of the realm of the physical world into a world of fantasy so that they can belong to a group that they think is perfect for them and so doing, they start to mimic peoples that belong to that same group and as a result they begin to use drugs which leads them to an extent that becomes a burden for the society, this reduces our nations efficiency in many areas like the economy begin to deviate slightly because a huge amount of money will be given out to help rescue the youths. Lawmakers of this reputable nation, our youths may even end up as …show more content…
Male students are more likely to report drug use and abuse than female students. Hispanic and White students are more likely to report drug use and abuse than Asian and African American students before they start going to college and during college. Respectable policy makers, the segregation among ethnicities to be stop to maintain peace and order in our developed country. The minorities (Black) are tired of how they have been treated for so long and now they start to cause chaos, for instance, the shooting that took place in Dallas about a couple weeks ago where a African American male shot five police and they were reported …show more content…
Reputable decision makers, the youth that will take over us are playing ignorant with drugs - "curiosity killed the cat"- the youths will use their lives as a sacrificial lamb. Should we stand and watch them end their own lives? Or should we keep quiet and watch this renowned nation go into another cycle of great depression. Lawmakers let help our youth by setting a rigorous law concerning the misuse of drugs so that we can be proud of them after we are gone hoping that we left the nation in good