
Stereotypes In Othello

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In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the title character is a 16th century Moorish general of the Venetian army who, because of the cultural and historic background of the play’s setting, the playwright, and the original intended audience, is portrayed as both well-respected for his military prowess and disparaged for his race. Similarly, because of the way America’s society is today where the minority race in America is rising, but people still discriminate the minorities. The Mexicans in today’s American are both hard working for the stereotype that they take all the jobs and they are depicted as criminals for they are stereotyped as gangsters and drug addicts.
America’s society today has many stereotypes, but the most common one there is, it’s …show more content…

“Is this the noble Moor whom our full senate/Call all in all sufficient? Is this the nature/Whom passion could not shake?”, Lodovico sarcastically asked if Othello was the one the senate of Venice would call for all the time as if he was the one they depended on. It shows that no matter how well respected Othello may be nor how good he is in the military, that Lodovico still just sees him as a Moor that is no different from the rest. Lodovico thinks that Othello will act like a Moor is supposed to and become the savage that he is meant to be.”Elizabethans viewed people with customs different from their own with fear and apprehension, depicting them as savage and uncivilized”, the people from Venice viewed people from foreign places as savage and uncivilized. “Negros likewise lead a beastly kind of life, being utterly destitute of the use of reason, of dexterity of wit, and of all arts”, the Venetians saw the Moors as beast and were afraid of them because they believed the Moor most violent people. Shakespeare presents Othello as a well respected military person with prowess but throughout the play he changes to the Moor that Venetians expect to see and he creates the dichotomy because not everyone is like the stereotypes say but he at the end Othello changes to the Moor that he is believed to be. Shakespeare shows that no matter how different …show more content…

It just shows how hard the Mexicans are willing to work, whether it is to support their families or themselves or to achieve their goals they do not let a few obstacles stand in their way, instead they go out and find a way to make it happen just like anyone else would, “They get up and go to work. They provide for their families, with the help of their wives, of course. They work in offices, they work in hospitals, they wear a uniform. Some pick the fruit we eat, some pack it. Some wear suits. Some are still going to school so they could provide a good life for their family. A Latino man wants to hug his children every day, kiss his wife and live a good life. A Latino man is no different than any other man of any ethnicity... The majority are present, hard-working and tender with their children”, all the Mexicans want is to be like everybody else and be seen like everyone else because they are hard workers who are just here trying to make a living and trying to support their family and just live in America in peace without being judged or stereotyped. “That by having an education, you have rejected your culture, values and traditions to become ‘white washed.’ Why would we reject it? We have one of the most unique cultures in the world, with each country being a little distinct in Latin America”, instead of becoming criminals and gangsters like expected,

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