
Scientific Evidence For Creation And Evolution

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Scientific Evidence for Creation: Final
Everyone comes to a point where they ask: ‘Where have I come from?’. That is the question that scientists, theologians, and completely common people have been asking for centuries. Two main beliefs have stood out and are being taught in schools: Creation and Evolution. These world views have extremely different ‘lens’ in which that they view the world. The Creation view believes in the intelligent designer, God, made man and everything in the universe. Modern day Birds and Giraffes give scientific evidence that is consistent with the belief that the physical universe was designed by God.
In the Bible, God created everything in the universe in six days. On the fourth day of this creation time, God made the birds of the air (KJV Bible, Genesis 1:20). To prove that an intelligent designer made these creatures, creationist have used bird biology and a specific species of bird as evidence. …show more content…

Most people do not think feathers are that interesting, however, these ‘common attributes’ are biologically fascinating. Alan Feduccia (a world authority on birds) says, “Feathers are perfect for flight.” They are light weight, aerodynamic, strong, and even repel water (Sarfarti). Another part of the feather is called the quill, it runs down the middle of the structure and provides the feather with its strength. In fact, the quill is considered to be stronger in its weight than any structure that man has tried to produce (Sharp). Also, it is able to change its shape if needed due to any fluctuation in air pressure or wind speed

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