Stereotypes In The Movie Zootopia

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Zack Engeldinger Zootopia Analysis This movie stars Judy Hopps as a female bunny detective. Her goal since she was a kid was to become a police officer and make the world a better place. Many people doubted her and told her she couldn’t do it, like her parents, police chief, and everyone in the academy. Judy grew up on a carrot farm with her mom and two hundred and fifty six siblings. When she became a cop she was assigned to the heart of Zootopia, the city where all predators and prey live in harmony. She achieved her goal of becoming a police officer by not giving up. Judy had a lot of people who doubted her and she struggled in the beginning of her training at the academy. She kept pushing and finally finished at the top of her class becoming …show more content…

During that time period and still today our society is dealing with people trying to overcome and stop discrimination. In the film Judy is facing discrimination for being a rabbit who wants to be a cop because she is supposed to stick to the stereotypical picture of being a rabbit. Everyone thinks she should be working on a carrot farm like her family. The movie Zootopia is based on stereotypes and in 2016 there was a big one. This would be none other than the election. It was the first time a woman had won a major party nomination. She lost to Donald Trump who had no political experience, showing stereotypes of how gender affects an election. There is a belief amongst the American people that men are better off in political situations for their emotional control. Which stereotypes women as not being able to control themselves in a professional manner. This shows in Zootopia, notice how the mayor is a male lion and assistant mayor is a female sheep. This is a stereotype of how women aren’t taken seriously to have a serious political seat. In an article from it explains how American people believe that when it comes to male stereotypes we often think of them as stronger leaders. For more info click