Stereotyping Persuasive Speech

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The world as we know it often seems to be a cold and unforgiving place to exist. Many people have a misconception of others. These misconceptions can make it seem that others are unacceptable to the standards of the people who think this way because of some bad experience. This way of thinking has damaged the people who have this attitude because it drives a wedge between everyone. The only way that this idea of thinking can be dismissed is to simply stop talking about it. The idea to stop talking about stereotyping can start off at a young age. My cousins who are mostly younger than me know stereotyping is wrong. Thus it is not relevant in their lives, and if this continues throughout generations to come then eventually stereotyping will …show more content…

It could also be a result of the media as they have portrayed ethnic groups in a negative light because it sells. It has been proven that media has only shown what's bad because it gets the audience attention and it has worked for a long while. Acts such as profiling are the effect of the world's media at work today. The media portrays some Mexicans as loud, party animals, who do drugs, are lazy, are in a gang, and aggressive when in reality this is false. In fact many, people of Mexican descent have tried their best to integrate into society bettering themselves and their families. Unfortunately there are the bad eggs who misrepresent people of Mexican descent. These are people who are involved with notorious gangs who kill their Mexican brothers. Most Americans just want to be treated equally so no one is profiled and the cliche of stereotyping disappears. Unfortunately, that is unrealistic as people there are flaws within all of us from the smallest issues to the larger more serious issues. From people judging someone before getting to know them to people who have been judged due to their actions such as substance abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, and physical abuse. I am Mexican so I will always be seen as the stereotypical Mexican to some, while others are aware that we cannot make a judgement based on how someone looks. If we all had this mentality the world would be a place of peace and even possibly a place where stereotyping is a thing of the past. If that is the end goal of humanity then we should all get to know people before making a guess about how they are as people. Getting to know the person would be a more effective way of making an educated guess about how a person is because we would have