
Steroids Persuasive Speech

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Imagine how it would feel in one minute to have won your 7th Tour De France. You are feeling accomplished and on top of the world; and in the next minute, your titles are being taking away from you, you have no respect from your fans or yourself. How could this have happened? Today I am going to talk to you about Steroids. According to Kidshealth.org, “Steroids, are a performance-enhancing drug that can possibly ruin your life; they are artificially produced hormones that are the same as the male type sex-hormones.” Although, some believe steroids can improve your performance, it is not worth the risk of your life. Many professional sports athletes take what are called anabolic steroids which increase muscle mass and strength, (Kidshealth). Steroids give …show more content…

According to the Editors Editorial, “ The contemporary Olympic oath states that participants are "committing ourselves to a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship." Many individuals pass over one's skill or talent if they are found to be using steroids. Although the true value of sport is to not cheat the opposition Sam Shuster PhD states, “"The ethical argument...disappears on examination. Sport is for enjoyment and competition, and usually aims to improve; but what is the difference between increasing skill and performance by training, and taking drugs?...What is more 'fair' - the use of a team of sports specialists or a simple pill? What is the difference between training at altitude and taking erythropoietin to achieve a similar effect? And why are the strips of adhesive plaster on the nose - absurdly believed to increase oxygen intake - more acceptable than a drug which reduces airway resistance?"

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