Steve Jobs Research Paper

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When you pull out your iPhone with all the latest gadgets do you think of where that idea came from? Without this device in your world would that make an impact? Well, that little piece of technology has been an idea developed over many years. That idea belongs to Apple or its founder Steve Jobs.

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco California. Steve Lived with his adoptive parents, Paul and Clara Jobs, because his real parents put him up for adoption. Steve Jobs grew up in a neighborhood of engineers working on electronics and other gizmos in their garages on weekends. This shaped his interest in computers as he grew up. At the age of 13, Steve met Stephen Wozniak, an electronics "Prodigy" and like Steve, an HUGE …show more content…

The knowledge that Wozniak gathered at the Homebrew meetings, as well as his exceptional talent with computers, allowed him to build his own computer, simply because he wanted a personal computer for himself. Steve Jobs took interest and he quickly understood that his friend's invention could be sold to software “hobbyists” who wanted to write software without the hassle of assembling a computer kit. Jobs convinced Wozniak to start a company for that purpose. “Apple Computer” was born on April 1, …show more content…

Coming in at a more reasonable price compared to the Apple 2 Costing a whopping 1600 dollars, the Apple 3 was priced at 800 US Dollars. Fast forward a few years and Jobs is at it again, about to revolutionize the music industry. At a press conference in California, steve announced iTunes, a music program to keep and buy music. In the same year, that is 2011, steve then announces the iPod, a device for playing music on the go with 512mb of storage (Half a gigabyte.)Steve then announces the iPad but one device changes everything. Yep you guessed it, the iPhone. In 2008 Apple released the first phone with a touch screen, the iPhone was also capable of taking photos. But Apple has a dark side to Steve

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