Steve Jobs Research Paper

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Abandoned. Visionary. Radical thinker. Chosen. Uncompromising. Hot-tempered. Special. These are all the characteristics of one of our technologies greatest leader, Steve Jobs. Jobs’ was the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple, Inc. and CEO of Pixar Studios. Jobs’ leadership style was unconventional and sometimes tyrannical. So, how was it that Steve Jobs became a billionaire and was able to lead a company to worldwide success? Steve Jobs was born in February 1955 to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah “John” Jandai When he was only a few days old, he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He grew up in the Mountain View, California which is part of the Silicon Valley area. When Jobs was approximately seven years old, he …show more content…

His mother told him “We specifically picked you out. Both of my parents said that and repeated it slowly for me. And they put an emphasis on every word in that sentence” The words abandoned, chosen and special would stay with Jobs for the rest of his life and how he saw himself (Isaacson, 2011). Jobs was an extremely rambunctious child and found school to rather boring. Therefore, he did what all children do when they are bored; he got in to trouble. One of Jobs’ elementary school math teachers paid him off with cash and candies just to motivate him to finish his homework. There was a point when Jobs was in elementary school that he knew that he was smarter than his mother and father. Jobs’ adoptive father, Paul, was an engineer and taught Jobs how to take electronics apart and how to rebuild them. Jobs finally found an activity that piqued his interests. When Jobs was 13 years old, he met Steve Wozniak who would become the most influential person is Jobs’ life. Jobs and Wozniak both shared a love for electronics and computers, which at the time was new and experimental. At the time, computer chips were a new technology and he and Wozniak would try to accumulate as