Parents Should Limit the Use of Electronics The technological advancements humans have made throughout the past ten years have been immense. A cell phone, once viewed as luxury, is becoming more popular each year. To add on, other electronic devices such as the laptop and iPad, along with the cell phone, are becoming viewed as necessities. Everyday children are getting better at dealing with technology, from computers to tablets to smartphones. With getting better with the use of these electronics, children are also receiving electronics at younger ages. Electronics, although are helpful, could become a big issue for parents and children. In an article written by Nick Bilton called “Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent”, he discusses different points of views with technology chief executives. Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple products, did not allow his children to have excessive use of their electronics. Many other technology executives agreed with the parenting style of Jobs. They all believed in a main rule, no electronics in the bedroom. This goes to …show more content…
Every day we hear stories about bullying, sexual context, or even addiction because of the internet. Cyberbullying can be as powerful as physical bullying because communicating hateful or threatening messages is easier. It can cause the victim to become depressed, anxious, or even create thoughts of suicide. Cyberbullying is a grave issue connected with electronics and is very popular among teenagers. On, “the 2014–2015 School Crime Supplement (National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics) indicates that, nationwide, about 21% of students ages 12-18 experienced bullying”(Aspa). Although 21% is not a high enough number for people to take precaution, it is happening. Cyberbullying does not need a time or day to happen, it is available 24 hours, 7 days a