Still Separate Still Equal: Multiculturalism In Education

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Multiculturalism in Education
School segregation is a major issue in the school system today. A school system divided by race is a major problem in education today. If asked, many people will say segregation in school is not relegated to the 1960’s. It is in fact still occurring and getting increasingly worst. According to the National Center on Education Statistics, racially segregated schools has actually increased (****). Since the 1960’s, school segregation has almost doubled instead of disappearing. This can be due to redistricting in a district, increasing the city population, or socioeconomics. Unfortunately, the growing diversity results in the school’s segregation.
School Segregation
School segregation should be nonexistent …show more content…

Since segregation was a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, the courts required school districts to provide an opportunity for racial integration into the school system. The Fourteenth Amendment offers equal protection under the law to all citizens. The 14th amendment offers equal protection under the law to all citizens. The law provides due process to protect your life, liberty, and property (Essex, 2012). This Amendment is important for parents and students in school. The Supreme Court has interpreted this to offer the parents the right to determine how their child will be educated in public or private …show more content…

According to the history books and many lessons in the classroom, racism was conquered with the end of the Civil Rights Movement. On the surface, many people view education in regards to what is going on in their child’s or neighborhood school. However, in comparison to schools and districts nearby, there is a great disparity. The addition of busing and school choice gives the appearance of equal opportunities. Unfortunately, being bused to a school across town that may only be slightly better than you neighborhood school doesn’t mean equality. When compared to a school five minutes away has greater curriculum resources and privilege, it shows how unequal the schools system really