Stop Using Killer Whales For Entertainment Analysis

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Bridgette Pirtle, a former SeaWorld trainer, mentioned in her interview with National Geographic, that the park tends to focus their resources on other things, such as renovating a play center for kids (Lee). The article, “Former SeaWorld Trainer: Stop Using Killer Whales for Entertainment”, observes, that SeaWorld tends to be neglectful when it comes to the facilities that are needed for the whales. In Pirtle’s opinion, orca whale should no longer be used for entertainment purposes (Lee). Many others agree with Pirtle’s opinion. Whales are not meant to be kept in captivity for the purpose of entertainment. Any argument against that claim is delusional. In captivity, whales live shorter lives, become aggressive, and live sad depressing lives without the proper care or treatment they need and deserve. These creatures are meant to swim freely in the ocean with their pods; keeping them in captivity to perform tricks in a small pool goes against their whole nature as a whale. People should not be forcing an animal to change into something they are not for the sole purpose of human entertainment and greed. …show more content…

The current laws pertaining to zoo animals are pitiful. The way the laws are set up around this pertaining topic makes it very hard to give animals protection under the law (Grech). It also makes it very hard for animal activists to attempt to give animals the life and protection they deserve on their behalf (Grech). The way the law is set up, animals are property owned by the zoo they are housed in (Grech). The amount of protection an animal receives under U.S Zoos is dependent upon their species (Grech). Not all animals are given the same rights (Grech). This needs to change. Each animal that is held in captivity against their will should, at a minimum, have the same amount of protection under the