Stopping Adult Illiteracy At The Source Analysis

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Applying a solution to adult illiteracy will improve economic growth for individuals and society by reducing other social problems like inequality, poor health, and security concerns. A solution to adult illiteracy should be began with global awareness and build to an interest in valuing diversity. In 2004, article “Stopping Adult Illiteracy at the Source” by Sticht contained some good questions on the topic of adult illiteracy in order to find a point to correct and control the level adult illiteracy in societies, habitations, and workplaces. For example, one question by Sticht (2004) in article “In 2004 of article “Stopping Adult Illiteracy at the Source” argued, “Why are so many children been unprepared to be prepared to learn to read” …show more content…

Implemented education system in society, habituation, and workplace on adult illiteracy would increase an interest to valuing the diversity of learning, which promotes a enrich environment, cultism, and efficiently teaching practices that would affect the present and future quality performance of reading and writing in society, habitation, and workplace resulting in a reduction of adult illiteracy and other social problems. The improvements from a education network should contain a level of sustainability with the changes in technology, economics, and human behavior as added learning is not compromised. The education network is ease access for people as suggested in Journal Reading Today (2001) by unknown author titled “Two Reports Urge Specific Action to Improve Adult Literacy in U.S.,” which posted, “strong local information and referral system help students easily find appropriate programs to continue their learning, as well as support services such as child care, transportation, learning disabilities screening, and counseling” (para. 13). Journal Reading Today (2001) post show a need and interest by the public of society wanting to better themself through education. The post in the article relates to common factors of interest on all individuals in society that are affected by adult illiteracy as a form of global awareness to access opportunities on improving the learning level with adults, which promotes economic growth and better human behavior for all cultures, beliefs, and customs. Also, global awareness with a education network on adult illiteracy adds pressure of accountability and responsibility as a teacher. Teachers must understand the standard of