Stopping Racism Southphommasane Analysis

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In Southphommasane’s article, Stopping racism is everyone’s responsibility, he examines the concept of racial bigotry through various acts and events, thereby, introducing the 2012, campaign, ‘Racism. It stops with me,’ which moves against such chauvinism. Racialism takes different approaches through physical and silent methodologies; refusing or being unable to take a respectful approach against it provides a free pass for the racist parties to continue with their prejudicial banter. Minor parties and immigrants face everyday crisis regardless the institution or public space for being from a different race – simply, for being different. Such race complex acts put one in a tight corner, surrounding them with lesser thoughts and an inferior …show more content…

Considering the world as one, humans are one being, and race is mentioned to be a taxonomic group dividing people according to their skin colour, hair, shape and many other bodily attributes; therefore, it exposes that biological elements do not differ in variety for humans to be sub-categorized into a race. It is misunderstood that race, racism and essentialism are three different things, whereas racism is existing in the world, and essentialism is a contributing fact to it. Communities of people showcasing similar corporeal qualities should be named as a phylogenetic group instead of the term race. To diminish acts of racism, to begin with, a person should be identified as a human with common attributes, their racialized groups should be praised and mentioned for the ignorant – for racism is real but race is not – everyone is human before anything …show more content…

Still used to their traditional ways, America is still stuck in the past white complexity – the intention of being white is superior, meanwhile, great leaders of victimized countries lead their nations to prosperity. With the appointment of the current president of the USA, Donald Trump, it was clear that many supported the prejudicial, misogynic, xenophobic campaign driven by him, which was a direct answer to many minorities – white supremacy is alive. Media, either refused to cover the injustice towards non-whites or, simply supported, hence, burying their privilege to stand up for the brutish means. The bias towards whites and non-whites expanded to a level that the deeds of a white man was covered as mentally-ill, misunderstood, acts of freedom, while a non-white was dragged as a terrorist, murderer, and problematic. The freedom to speak is used in an inappropriate way in communities; exploiting and encouraging problematic thoughts by superior parties sustaining xenophobic behavior. To grow as a nation, freedom should be wielded to lift the minor and march forward under one shadow, as one, not racially