Strategies To Address Special Needs ELL Classroom

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Second Language Learning comes with great difficulties for every student, but when a student is already having difficulties with learning in general, second language learning proves to be that much tougher. Students who are classified with learning disabilities will feel defeated. How do we teach these students to find the motivation to learn the language? How do they tackle the obstacles of the critical period, personality, and social-cultural factors while also struggling with learning content in a classroom setting? Although being a special education student and learning another language will prove to be difficult that is not to say that it is not possible. One of the most difficult challenges for this topic is to identify the students who are only second language learners and the ones who are second language learners but are also special needs. In this paper I will explore a few subsubjects. I will write about the diagnosis of students who are both special needs and Second Language learners. I will also speak about the importance of early diagnosis, the struggles these students face, and the learning styles that can help them the most.

Identifying students in need …show more content…

Also important is to give the student the opportunity to demonstrate their learning over time. This adjustment may take up to a year because there are many factors that play into the adjustment period such as cultural factors, silent receptive period, and the development of literacy skills in a second language. The year grace period allows the teacher to make an accurate evaluation by giving the students time to show their ability in the classroom setting