Strategy From The Outside In Book Report

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A closer look at funding and support opportunities.

Without having the necessary information about the exact costs of creating a business education program for medical students, assumptions have to be made at this point. With a list of the services and projects that would be necessary to begin such a program, the costs of accomplishing everything beginning to end in today’s numbers can be made available. A reasonable estimate might be $2 million. Beginning with an amount about twice as much as the actual expense is predicted to prevent worries about cost overruns during the project. The costs of maintaining such a program each year, including paying business experts for business education lectures, personnel to oversee the …show more content…

In their latest book, “Strategy From the
Outside In,” George Day and Christine Moorman describe the most recent shift in marketing from the Inside Out process to the Outside In approach in detail. What this book teaches all businesses is that starting out by researching what customers want and need today tells businesses what services and products they should be providing and offering customers and are the ones that are highly likely to become profitable for those companies. Previously, the companies decided themselves what they believed customers needed and found their incomes dropping rapidly. Large companies like Dell Computer discovered that the “insideout” format no longer works, and it has taken almost ten years to catch up to their competitors, Apple and HP. They caught up because they switched to the new marketing method. All this means is that there is a huge opportunity for medical schools to tell those companies (marketing effort) what they want and need to obtain the reciprocal funds they would need for funding the business education of medical …show more content…

Our nation, including the majority of our nation’s population and the government politicians voted into office by a misled ignorant public who are “Ruled by Pop Culture” (Andy Serwer, Managing Editor, Fortune Magazine) predictably will perpetuate the final happening. Millions of smart and informed people are preparing for it as well. So until it actually happens, life continues as usual. But it doesn’t mean that medical schools can’t proceed and continue to advance efforts to improve the things they are capable of doing. That means establishing a necessary business education of all medical students and to secure the funding to do so from corporations, whose survival depends on the continued supply of intelligent business educated physicians. The article noted above would certainly include the funding for medical schools for specific mutual benefit. An open “marketing mind” can see and understand the compatible specific corporation’s security and survival needs relative to their absolute dependence on medical doctors, especially those who are formally business educated. Understandably, it will be a win-win partnership for everyone