Strengths In The Profession: Case Study

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1) Discuss strengths in the profession and on-line program.

I believe that my background as school teacher has allowed me to develop certain strengths that will benefit me as I enter the school counseling profession. Firstly, my communication style is versitile and enables me to appropriately instruct students, collaborate effectively with teachers, connect with parents, and rally support from administrators and stakeholders. Secondly, I am able to bring a creative, motivating, and caring spirit to the school environment, that fosters collaborative efforts among teachers, administrators, students, and parents to achieve the common goal of promoting the success of all students. Lastly, my experience working with underserved and underrepresented students in a Title I school has heightened the role as an advocate for students. I embrace the role of advocate and see it absolutely necessary to fully serve as a professional school counselor. As an undergraduate student, I had a handful of required courses that I decided to complete online. The experience prepared me to know in advance how I could be utilize my strengths to begin my Masters in School Counseling online with Lamar University. Of most …show more content…

In my first course, Intro to School Counseling, I realized that there are many different counseling skills and theories in whick I will need to be proficient to best serve as a professional school counselor. My understanding of the skills and theories is very shallow. Another weakness that I have at this point is not fully embracing technology as a resource to support learning. For example, I was very apprehensive about using the Pearson e-text and the use of TK20. I understand that as an educator, I must embrace 21 Century Skills, and I am growing in my knowledge and skills pertaining to technology as a resource to support