Essay On The Five Stages Of Grief

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Stress is a physical mental or emotional factor that causes bodily and/or mental tension. It can be initiate the fight response in a person’s body. The complex reaction of neurologic and endocrinology system of the body from stress can be hard for anyone to take. Stress can cause or influence the course of medical conditions that can include irritable bowels syndrome, high blood pressure, and if you already have diabetes it can cause you poorly take care of it and can cause you to have to lose a limb or maybe even death of a person.(, 2008)
We all have our ways of dealing with stress of the death of an important person in our lives. Yet if we establish stress management activities it can help gain peace, balance, and move forward. The …show more content…

Over the years there has been discussion of two grief processes among adults. Each individual is unique. As are our relationships, life experiences, personal circumstances, the circumstances surrounding the death and our established coping mechanisms for dealing with such a trauma. All these aspects influence the intensity and the stages of grief we experience through their grieving process. Some people think that the five stages of grief have been generalized, but they don’t necessarily appear in any order nor do each person go through each stage.( grief-healing, …show more content…

We may still be holding on to yesterdays memorabilia, objects, activities, plans. Letting go will happen in its own time. You may find that you no longer need to visit the cemetery regularly, or you will no longer need to wear that particular article of clothing, light a room full of candles every evening, have photos and reminders of your loved one all through your home or arranged as a tribute. If you are doing something as part of a grieving ritual, ask yourself from time to time if you really need to continue with the ritual. You will know when you are ready to let go.( grief-healing,