Stress: A Documentary Analysis

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From the documentary, it is important to state that stress is part of human growth and development. There are three domains of human development and growth, which include biological or physical domain, social or affective domain, and cognitive or mental domain. All these domains affect each other. For example, stress related to issues with social status leads to mental trauma, which also affects the victim’s physique. Developmentalists like McGonigal (2012), believe that life is only fulfilling when an individual feels secure and satisfied with his or her life. In this regard, socioeconomic status affects many people, and as has been identified in the documentary, people of low economic and social status suffer more compared to people of the …show more content…

In other words, self-control is an important concept in the pursuit of managing stress and burnout. McGonigal (2012), tells his readers that self-control is essential to make life meaningful. Self-control is the main driver of human willpower, the inner ability to overcome challenges of life. In fact, some difficult situations occur to test people’s inner strength and willpower. Self-control is connected with the understanding of failure, which upon overcoming makes one understand his or her ability to stand strong in the face of storms of life. The human brain is wired to quickly respond to human emotions and inner self, the willpower to deal with difficult situations. If the willpower is low, the brain becomes weary and weak to deal with it. In fact, the failing if willpower is what leads to stress and burnout. People with failed willpower lose their tempers, eat too much and spend too much hence are unable to control …show more content…

Staying in a toxic environment is harmful when one feels low emotionally. In managing stress, it is important to seek a peaceful environment, just to meditate and see life in a more positive way. Sleep is also an important method of managing stress. When the body relaxes, the brain relaxes too. The ideas from the documentary and the research are the understanding that besides the harsh impacts of stress, the good news is that it can be managed. I can proudly say that I now understand some of the hidden reasons that one can use to manage stress. Also, I am now more enlightened concerning the dangerous impacts of stress. More importantly, it is important to deal with any stressing situation before it gets out of

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