
Strictly Ballroom Essay

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In Strictly Ballroom a character that undergoes a great deal of development is Scott Hastings. He progresses from an angry, ambitious and defiant character to a really successful dancer and person. This will be discussed with reference to filmic techniques used in Strictly Ballroom and how they reflect the changes in Scott. In the beginning of the film Scott is seen as an arrogant, self-centred and angry character which is evident in his dancing and his attitude towards others. During the samba at Waratah State Championships Scott is dressed in yellow with his hair neatly gelled back. The colour of his outfit symbolises his desire for his steps to be noticed and foreshadows his erratic decision to dance his own steps in front of the entire ballroom community. His outburst shows his defiance against the traditional ballroom steps and his self-centred nature by not taking his partner, Liz, into consideration. Scott’s arrogance and lack of concern for others is also seen when he knocks Fran out of the way when she tries to compliment his dancing. At the beginning of the film Scott wears black to show his anger and rebellious nature, but his hair is still neatly gelled back, which shows that …show more content…

From this point on Scott is mainly seen in white with his hair naturally in his face to show that he is comfortable with himself. After Rico shows Scott how one should really dance the Paso Doble, the camera zooms in on Scott’s face to show his astonishment and Scott realises that he still has a lot to learn. The cameras angle has now adjusted to eye-level to show that he no longer considers himself to be better than those around him .Scott’s dancing has always been technically perfect but after learning from Rico, Yaya and Fran, he learns how to ‘feel the rhythm’ and dance from the

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