Structural Family Therapy Analysis

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The family system I least resonate with is the Strategic Family Therapy and specifically the Milan Model. The Milan Model’s primary intervention is the use of rituals to engage families in a series of actions that include exaggerated ridged family myths and rules, thus breaking the loyalty rules by amplifying such with extended family. Therefore, the therapy change is to break apart the clan, with the element of family members talking about another member amongst extended family, outside of sessions to break down the family loyalty rule to halt the dysfunctional system (Nichols, 2012). Therefore, such system components such as rituals may create a power struggle between the counselor and the family (Nichols, 2012). The therapist’s directiveness …show more content…

Structural Family Therapy counselors view the family as an active system, continuously evolving and regulating to a fluctuating environment (Colapinto, 2016). My family of origin changed from a country of origin starting with my maternal grandparents who adjusted in the United States and started a family subsystem and had seven children. The essential techniques in Structural Family Therapy are to evaluate the structural blueprint, boundaries, the structure of the family hierarchy, rules, and examining family relationships and behavioral patterns as they show in the session. Employing activities such as roles play out in session, allowing therapists to examine subsystems within the family structure, such as parental or sibling subsystems (Nichols, 2012). In my family of origin, my mother had six brothers and sisters, and they learned to solve sibling differences amongst themselves in the sibling …show more content…

I was not put into negative triangles in my family unit. Additionally, my father chose not have unresolved situations in his life. As a counselor, even though I am a part of a supervisoree-supervisor-family client triangle, I bring the asset of discernment, respect, and trust, in how I fit into the triangle as a new counselor. However, I shall remain cognizant of the inclusion of supervisor transference into the triangle. “While supervision must stay focused as a three-person activity-supervisor, supervisee, and client--supervision has to actively work with the transference formed between the [dyad] of supervisor and supervisee (Driver et al., 2002). On the other hand, what can become a challenge is if the quality of transference may become a complication of both the supervisor and myself by having unresolved transference issues. Conversely, it can also be an asset if my supervisor and I are equally bringing trust, empathy, and mutual respect to the dyad as well as the triad. For example, if I am fully present in a family session and my supervisor is present and not distracted, there is mutual