Cultural Theory Of Poverty

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While many theories of poverty exist, few focus on the overarching issues that exist to perpetuate poverty in the United States. Of them all, the Structural Theory of poverty addresses those issues most directly. This theory focuses on the overarching structural factors in society that dictate our lives and every decision. It is impossible to address poverty and combat this ever-pressing, and ever-growing issue without recognizing that society places people in situations that are out of their control. Similarly to the Cultural Theory of Poverty, which explains how belonging to a socio-economic class (specifically being in poverty) for generations produces a new family culture that is distinct from others. Here, people are placed into situations beyond their control and are forced to adapt to that environment, thus resulting in a culture of poverty (Small 8). While this theory only explains that a culture of poverty exists amongst families that experience poverty for generations, it does not explain why that poverty occurs in the first place, highlighting a flaw. The Structural Theory of Poverty offers explanations for this occurrence.